Way: 198221150
Version #3
simplified czeck boundary to 2m
Part of
57 relations
- Relation Hora Svatého Šebestiána (2667732) (as outer)
- Relation Sachsen (1992-) (2693417) (as outer)
- Relation Sachsen (1990-1991) (2692301) (as outer)
- Relation Jilmová (2687528) (as outer)
- Relation Soudní okres Hora Svatého Šebestiána (2687529) (as outer)
- Relation ŽNO Chomutov (2687556) (as outer)
- Relation Bezirk Karl-Marx-Stadt (1952-1958) (2696764) (as outer)
- Relation Deutsche Demokratische Republik (1951-1990) (2692241) (as outer)
- Relation Freistaat Sachsen (1918-1928) (2696236) (as outer)
- Relation Československá republika (1924-1936) (2692233) (as outer)
- Relation Československo (1948-1992) (2692234) (as outer)
- Relation Deutsche Demokratische Republik (1949-1951) (2695015) (as outer)
- Relation Československá republika (1936-1938) (2692764) (as outer)
- Relation Československá republika (1945-1947) (2692766) (as outer)
- Relation Země Koruny české (1419-1434) (2695277) (as outer)
- Relation Československá republika (1947-1948) (2692767) (as outer)
- Relation Československá republika (1920 05-08) (2693465) (as outer)
- Relation Československá republika (1920 02-05) (2747876) (as outer)
- Relation Československá republika (1918-1920) (2747877) (as outer)
- Relation Československá republika (1920-1924) (2747893) (as outer)
- Relation Čechy (1850-1918) (2664912) (as outer)
- Relation Česko (1993-) (2692745) (as outer)
- Relation Česko (1969-1993) (2694813) (as outer)
- Relation Kaisertum Österreich (1816-1846) (2692025) (as outer)
- Relation Österreich-Ungarn / Ausztria-Magyarország (1867-1878) (2692702) (as outer)
- Relation Kaisertum Österreich (1859-1866) (2694155) (as outer)
- Relation Kaisertum Österreich (1866-1867) (2746345) (as outer)
- Relation Kaisertum Österreich (1850-1859) (2746346) (as outer)
- Relation Österreich-Ungarn / Ausztria-Magyarország (1878-1908) (2746402) (as outer)
- Relation Kaisertum Österreich (1846-1850) (2747007) (as outer)
- Relation Jilmová (2666454) (as outer)
- Relation Regierungsbezirk Chemnitz/Erzgebirge (1939-1943) (2696313) (as outer)
- Relation Kreishauptmannschaft Chemnitz (1900-1939) (2696314) (as outer)
- Relation Kreishauptmannschaft Zwickau (1874-1900) (2696318) (as outer)
- Relation Bezirk Karl-Marx-Stadt (1958-1990) (2695371) (as outer)
- Relation Österreich-Ungarn / Ausztria-Magyarország (1908-1918) (2692361) (as outer)
- Relation Saazer Kreis (1854-1862) (2747252) (as outer)
- Relation Politický okres Chomutov (2687557) (as outer)
- Relation Königreich Sachsen (1866-1918) (2691485) (as outer)
- Relation Königreich Sachsen (1815-1866) (2693578) (as outer)
- Relation Deutsches Reich (1938 03-11) (2704712) (as outer)
- Relation Österreich (1867-1878) (2684078) (as outer)
- Relation Österreich (1878-1902) (2746404) (as outer)
- Relation Österreich (1902-1918) (2800273) (as outer)
- Relation Deutsches Reich (1871-1890) (2691465) (as outer)
- Relation Deutsches Reich (1890-1918) (2692425) (as outer)
- Relation Deutsches Reich (1920 01-02) (2692483) (as outer)
- Relation Deutschland (1990-) (2692699) (as outer)
- Relation Deutsches Reich (1936-1938) (2693085) (as outer)
- Relation Norddeutscher Bund (1867-1871) (2693574) (as outer)
- Relation Deutsches Reich (1935-1936) (2694638) (as outer)
- Relation Deutsches Reich (1922-1935) (2696515) (as outer)
- Relation Deutsches Reich (1920-1922) (2696516) (as outer)
- Relation Deutsches Reich (1920 06-08) (2696517) (as outer)
- Relation Deutsches Reich (1920 02-06) (2696518) (as outer)
- Relation Deutsches Reich (1918-1920) (2696519) (as outer)
- Relation Deutsches Reich (1920 08-11) (2741459) (as outer)
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- 2084883345 (part of ways 198224384 and 198225986)
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