Way History: 198219800
Version #3
simplified czeck boundary to 2m
admin_level | 2 |
border_type | nation |
boundary | administrative |
source | http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Catalogue/Kreisgrenzen_Deutschland_2005 |
140 nodes
- 2084662150 (part of way 198219792)
- 2084662151
- 2084662154
- 2084662155
- 2084662156
- 2084662157
- 2084662158
- 2084662161
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- 2084643349
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- 2084662288
- Rübenau - Kalek (2084881317)
- 2084662292
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- 2084662437
- 2084662409
- 2084662402
- 2084662432
- 2084662442
- 2084662443
- 2084662444 (part of ways 198221781 and 198219743)
Version #2
simplified large parts of the behmian/czechy boundary to 1m
admin_level | 2 |
border_type | nation |
boundary | administrative |
source | http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Catalogue/Kreisgrenzen_Deutschland_2005 |
205 nodes
- 2084662150 (part of way 198219792)
- 2084662151
2084662152 - 2084662154
- 2084662155
- 2084662156
- 2084662157
- 2084662158
2084662159 -
2084662160 - 2084662161
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- 2084662165
2084662166 - 2084662167
- 2084662168
2084662169 - 2084662170
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- 2084662182
2084662183 -
2084662185 -
2084662187 - 2084662188
2084662189 - 2084662190
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- 2084643349
2084662193 - 2084662194
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2084662203 - 2084662204
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2084662206 - 2084662207
2084662208 - 2084662209
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2084662218 - 2084662219
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2084662241 - 2084662242
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2084662283 - 2084662284
- 2084662285
2084662286 -
2084662287 - 2084662288
- Rübenau - Kalek (2084881317)
- 2084662292
2084662289 - 2084662290
2084662291 -
2084662293 - 2084662312
- 2084662322
2084662319 - 2084662313
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2084662297 - 2084662304
2084662306 - 2084662314
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2084662320 -
2084662321 - 2084662328
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2084662336 -
2084662337 -
2084662342 -
2084662343 - 2084662345
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2084662357 -
2084662355 - 2084662353
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2084662369 -
2084662370 - 2084662371
2084662375 - 2084662377
2084662380 - 2084662378
2084662384 - 2084662387
2084662382 -
2084662381 - 2084662376
2084662372 - 2084662373
2084662374 -
2084662383 - 2084662386
- 2084662389
- 2084662388
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2084662397 - 2084662400
- 2084662406
2084662401 -
2084662394 - 2084662392
2084662399 - 2084662415
2084662418 -
2084662411 - 2084662417
- 2084662425
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2084662435 - 2084662437
- 2084662409
2084662405 - 2084662402
2084662422 - 2084662432
2084662439 - 2084662442
- 2084662443
- 2084662444 (part of ways 198221781 and 198219743)
Version #1
+ Ústecký kraj
- Edited by Daniel Baránek
- Changeset #4334
admin_level | 2 |
border_type | nation |
boundary | administrative |
source | http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Catalogue/Kreisgrenzen_Deutschland_2005 |
285 nodes
- 2084662150 (part of way 198219792)
- 2084662151
2084662152 -
2084662153 - 2084662154
- 2084662155
- 2084662156
- 2084662157
- 2084662158
2084662159 -
2084662160 - 2084662161
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- 2084662165
2084662166 - 2084662167
- 2084662168
2084662169 - 2084662170
2084662171 -
2084662172 - 2084662173
- 2084662174
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2084662177 -
2084662178 - 2084662179
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2084662181 - 2084662182
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2084662184 -
2084662185 -
2084662186 -
2084662187 - 2084662188
2084662189 - 2084662190
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- 2084643349
2084662192 -
2084662193 - 2084662194
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2084662196 -
2084662197 -
2084662198 -
2084662199 - 2084662200
2084662201 - 2084662202
2084662203 - 2084662204
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2084662208 - 2084662209
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2084662246 -
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2084662258 -
2084662259 - 2084662260
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2084662283 - 2084662284
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2084662286 -
2084662287 - 2084662288
- Rübenau - Kalek (2084881317)
- 2084662292
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2084662324 -
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2084662407 -
2084662422 - 2084662432
2084662439 -
2084653233 - 2084662442
- 2084662443
- 2084662444 (part of ways 198221781 and 198219743)
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OpenHistoricalMap is a charter project of OpenStreetMap U.S., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization affiliated with the OpenStreetMap Foundation. Technical development is supported by GreenInfo Network and Development Seed.
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