Way: Maine District of Massachusetts (198180493)
Version #2
adding State of Maine, fixing some validation errors
admin_level | 4 |
boundary | administrative |
check_me | 0 |
defined_by | Treaty of Paris (1783) |
name | Maine District of Massachusetts |
ned | Version 3.1 10m Cultural |
start_date | 1783-09-03 |
wikipedia | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maine |
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- 2083293602 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
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- 2083293605 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293606 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293607 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293608 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293609 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293610 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293611 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293613 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293615 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293617 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
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- 2083293618 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293621 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293622 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293625 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293623 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
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- 2083293628 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293633 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293634 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293632 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293630 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (199949036))
- 2083293626 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293624 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293620 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293614 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293619 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293629 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293636 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293641 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293643 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293647 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293652 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293660 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293662 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293676 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293680 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293682 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293683 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293684 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293685 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293687 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293690 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293691 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293688 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293689 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293692 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293693 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293695 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293697 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293698 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293703 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293706 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293704 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293702 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293699 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293700 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293705 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293708 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293712 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293716 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293719 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293722 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293725 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293727 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293728 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293729 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293731 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293732 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293734 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293735 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293737 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293738 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293739 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293741 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293744 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293769 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293809 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293864 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293891 (part of way Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
- 2083293897 (part of ways 198180495 and Maine District of Massachusetts (198725750))
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