Add: POIs, demolished shops and history. tags.
Add: 富田林街道・喜志街道の一部(start_date基準等は各部note記載)
Add: POIs, demolished shops and history. adjust tags.
Add: closed Bakeries in southern Osaka (luxury shokupan bread boom in the late 2010s).
Add: demolished POIs(shops, restaurants, retail buildings).
Add: main roads 長尾街道(堺-藤井寺間), and nearby overpass. adjust tags.
Add/extend: main roads. 竹内街道(堺-古市間), 中央環状線三国ヶ丘周辺. (変遷のある一部道路の区分にroad使用)
Add: demolished road, pond. (北野田駅西側)
Add: shopping centers, stores, buildings. demolished factory. adjust/fix: date tags.
Add: Shopping mall buildings, pedestrian bridges (りんくうプレミアムアウトレット周辺,イオンモール泉南).
Add: old coastline(draw in area natural=water), landfill. adjust water area shape. 岸和田南部-貝塚.
Add: old coastline(draw in area natural=water) 泉大津南部-岸和田北部. and adjust shape, tags.
Add: old coastline(draw in area natural=water) 泉大津北部 .
Add: shops, music_venues(closed or moved). add tag, adjust node position.
Add/adjust: railway (南海本線泉佐野以南と複線を追加,調整. 高架化など詳細は全体的に未反映).