Corrected Lombardy-Tyrol border pre-1859 (Val di Daone/upper Chiese valley)
Minor improvements to the northern part of the pre-1844 Modena-Parma border; Added early 19c versions of the Enza and Parma to reflect their 2nd survey courses; Improved section of the Modenese borders w/ Mantua & the Papal States
Roughly improved border between Modena and Parma and implemented the 1844 Trattato di Firenze
Roughly improved border of Lower Austria with Hungary/Burgenland
Roughly added the Kreise ober dem Manhartsberg and ober dem Wienerwald; Added ways to represent the Danube around Vienna pre-straightening (1875)
Roughly added the Kreise unter dem Manhartsberg and unter dem Wienerwald
Added Vienna 1850-1890 and Lower Austria 1803-1850
Fixed improperly tagged section of the Danube
Improvements to Habsburg-era Upper-Lower Austrian border; Rough improvements to Styrian borders with Salzburg and Upper Austria
Minor correction to Lombardy
Added the Marburger and Grazer Kreise to Styria; Corrected Münichholz pre-1938 (it was part of Lower Austria until 1938-10-15)
Added Cillier, Brucker and Judenburger Kreise to Styria; Improved some borders in (19c) Styria; Fixed some relations; Added Istrier Kreis/Mgft Istrien
Fixed some relations
Fixed some relations
Corrected border between Baden and Württemberg north-east of Diesenhof; Added minor exclave of Baden in Württemberg (I don't know when it was eliminated but it was some time between 1838 and 1896, and probably post-1850s); Corrected Sentenhart ownership.
Added Margraviate of Istria and 1803-09 Duchy of Carniola. Corrected some other associated borders.
Minor correction to county of Gorizia (and the HRE)
Various improvements/corrections to Rep. Venice (roughly added Bergamo & Crema; removed Papal possessions north of the Po). Improved boundaries of Mantua and added its Delegation/Province 1815-59. Added missing Tuscan exclave.
Removed anachronistic areas from Republic of Venice & add parts of Istria. Removed Valvestino from Lombardy pre-1934. Changed end_date for Hungary 1000-19c country label to formation of Austrian Empire & made main language Latin.
Corrected the S.W. border of Oldenburg. Added Regierungsbezirke Aurich and Osnabrück. Added Wilhelmshaven exclave of Prussia/Hanover/Aurich. Improved Regierungsbezirk Stade. Implemented Greater Hamburg Act for Hanover. Added post-1937 Kreis Hzm. Lauenburg